More Please!
Black Walnut 16x21 Jesus put his finger on the ancient fear of man when he confronted the proud people-pleasers of his day: “How can you believe, when you receive glory from one another and do not seek the glory that comes from the only God?” (John 5:44). People-pleasing had blinded them to Jesus. Unchecked, it will cover our eyes as well. “They loved the glory that comes from man,” John 12:43 tells us, “more than the glory that comes from God.” That preference is the essence and danger of people-pleasing. “The antidote to the fear of man is not fearlessness but...
Salt & Light
SIZE: 6.5” x 12”MEDIUM: ACRYLIC w/UV PAINT ON BOARD FRAME: HANDMADEIn coral reefs, when the water becomes too warm, the algae die, turning the bright and colorful coral into a pale white color. The reef is no longer the vivid yellows, blues, purples, reds, or pinks we love so much. Like a bit of yeast that contaminates the whole bunch, sin works similarly. It changes us. The Bible teaches us how to prevent the world from corrupting our souls. James 1:27 reminds us to remain unspotted from the world. When it comes to sin and evil deeds, a little compromise...
7”X11” Custom blue pine frame with sand background. The Hebrew word reqia is translated as firmament: “The Hebrew meaning of something ‘made firm’ by beating or stamping, e.g., a hammered piece of metalwork. It usually refers to the curve of the heavens, which appears like a vast inverted bowl of blue to an observer on the ground. In passages like Genesis 1:6; Psalms 19:1; 150:1, and Daniel 12:3, it has this meaning, but in Ezekiel, it has the sense of a firm, level surface or platform. In the book of Revelation, this same phrase becomes ‘a sea of glass, like crystal’ before the throne of God (Revelation...
Let the Son shine in!
“Why should he fret when God smiles? What matters though all the world should censure, if Jehovah countenances his servant. A look of approval from God creates a deep, delightful calm within the soul.” (Spurgeon)Psalm 67 says, “May God be merciful and bless us. May his face smile with favor on us. May your ways be known throughout the earth, your saving power among people everywhere. May the nations praise you, O God. Yes, may all the nations praise you. Let the whole world sing for joy because you govern the nations with justice and guide the people of the...
Tested and True
7.75”x9.75” Acrylic on boardHandcrafted Canarywood frame Watch and pray lest you enter into temptation. The spirit, indeed, is willing, but the flesh is weak. Matthew 26:41:-45 If I have learned anything about myself as a Christian, it is that salvation alone does not change my character flaws. That takes testing! Sometimes, I will fail the test several times before I realize the problem is a character flaw within me, not them. Jesus, a sinless man, told his disciples three times to stay awake while he went away to pray. When he returned, all three times, they had fallen asleep....