Today is WORLD TURTLE DAY and I put the last splash around these new hatchlings I finished painting today. 5-23-23
SIZE: 10.75”X12.75”
MEDIUM: Acrylic on Wood
FRAME: Handcrafted Canary Wood
Understanding our fragility is part of the answer to life’s biggest questions. We have musings about why we struggle in life, especially when it comes to those we view as good people. Why do bad things happen to good or innocent people? Life is beautiful at times. On the opposite side of the spectrum, deathly tragedy awakens us to how fragile life truly is. We have all experienced both. If we think we are not frail in this life, we are not only self-deceived, but we are elevating ourselves to a godly level. We can quickly think of ourselves and destiny attributed to our endeavors. On the other hand, understanding that we are frail and are born into a world that does not delineate who we are or what we do regarding adverse life circumstances, then we know the ONE who can rescue us and be our guardian.
Death is the most feared of all tragic moments in this life, showing us our fragility as it blindsides the ones left behind with deep grief and mourning.
When we truly understand our frailty and how we can’t escape it, we wonder if there is a better way. The answer is yes! Jesus and Jesus only. The only one who can defeat death. So we run with all humility to our savior and rescuer. And that grace is by nothing we have earned. God deserves all glory and gratitude our hearts can offer. Because of faith and grace, we are, in return, given a gift. A gift like no other; a gift of life. Birth out of a fragile body into a new life without end. A life no man can destroy. A life only Christ offers to us. Life eternal. From death comes life.