Coming Soon (this is the actual name for the piece.)
30X30 Acrylic, Walnut live edge frame.
In the last days, the mountain of the Lord‘s house will be the highest of all —
The most important place on earth.
It will be raised above the other hills, and people from all over the world will stream there to worship.
People from many nations will come and say,”Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of Jacob’s God. There he will teach us his ways, and we will walk in his paths.”
For the Lord’s teaching will go out from Zion; his word will go out from Jerusalem. Isaiah 2:2-3
In this passage Isaiah prophesies that everyone in the world will one day come to the “mountain of the Lord’s house” to worship, and John later describes this scene when he says: “After this I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing in front of the throne and before the Lamb known as Jesus… And they were shouting with a great roar, “Salvation comes from our God who sits on the throne and from the Lamb!” {Revelation 7:9-10}