Stories from the Sea

Title: In-Between Standing within the in-between where words are merely spoken. In-between the complexities of life. Alone. Broken. Shattered. Questions of the heart only for the unseen. What mends? How does one get beyond the in-between? One who stands at the top of a tower looks down. One who stand at the top of a bridge looks out. But you there standing in-between, look up! For you are not abandoned nor alone. You are merely standing without excuse in-between this life and the life yet to come! Art by Glenn Lamp Meditation by Glenn and Heather Lamp Word of God...
Green Pasture

Title: Green Pastures Size: 36x72“The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” Psalms 23:1-3 NASB1995One might ask why I titled this painting, "Green Pastures?" It certainly isn't a pasture and the painting barely has the color green on the canvas. This is one of the reasons art is subjective; what you see isn't always the intended meaning. For example, this painting is based on the gospel hymn, “He Leadeth...
The Wing

And behold, a woman who had been suffering from a hemorrhage for twelve years came up behind Him, and touched the border of His cloak; for she was saying to herself, “If I only touch His cloak, I will get well.” Matthew 9:20-21 NASB The first time I read the story of the woman touching the hem of His garment, I could see it in my mind. Faith moved into action as she extended her arm. Desperate for healing yet trusting fully in the one she reached for to be her healer. She was a woman who believed in...

Not to be confused with the popular Pampano fish, the Permit is a rare and quite sought after catch for anglers alike. During my time of study, I learned that its name means sickleback. Their dorsal and anal fins look like that of a sickle tool - a farming device used for harvest or reaping. Immediately, I pictured in my mind a man swinging this large tool back snd forth cutting down that which was harvested. Then I thought about the Bible. How God’s word is sharper than a double edge sword -- dividing asunder of soul and spirit. {Hebrews 4:12} In Paul’s letter to the...

1 Peter 5:8The ocean is a majestic and beautiful habitat, yet it also has a visceral and scary side. This life we live is also filled with beauty and pain, joy and suffering. To quote Capt. Peter Peterson in a recent article he wrote about a Barracuda he caught and I witnessed. “The brutal reality of predation is a well-known concept by saltwater fishermen, as they often observe exactly how powerful nature can be during one of these life and death encounters. I was just about ready to grab the big fish for a photo when out of the corner...