
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” 2 CORINTHIANS 5:17 This painting is called “Switch”. I had painted it after hearing the story of a band called “Switchfoot” that went to my old church in Poway, California. The band came up with the name because of the switch we make when we follow Christ and how He does the work of making us a new creation. They were surfers and the term “Switchfoot” is a surfing term meaning you switch your footing to gain a new perspective. When we take the path of Christ and put off the things that make us stumble, the things that are our old ways, the things that really didn’t work so well, He gives us new eyes, a new perspective, a heavenly perspective. When we follow that path that we have trusting Him fully, soon enough we will look back and see how our life has become new. The transformation has happened because we had faith. This all seems like something that we read and know about but why would I feel the need to paint it. I painted it because, I have seen it happen in my own life, my immediate family and some close friends. I am a believer and receiver in experiencing the transforming work of Jesus Christ.

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