Corded, 2019

Title: Corded/SOLD
Size: 36x48
Medium: Acrylic 
Completed: 2019, Commissioned Piece
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit -- no greater life can be found than the one corded to Thee. - Heather Lamp
A couple of years ago I painted three simple oyster shells and titled the painting, "Stronger." "Corded" is the second painting in what will be a series of three. As I paint, I quietly seek the Lord's wisdom. Much like most of my work, the titles, "Stronger" and "Corded" came to me during one of those times. The Scripture Ecclesiastes 4:12 continued to be present as well. A carry through of sorts for the series.
Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12
“Corded” -- It's a unique word, isn't it? Perplexed by its scarcity when describing something woven or bound, I decided to take a closer look into its meaning. Webster's dictionary defines "corded" as bound or fastened together usually referring to the fabric. But what if we looked at "corded" more from a spiritual perspective? 
In His perfect design, God created His people to draw near to Him. A spiritual bonding of sorts. No matter our beliefs, it's what every soul is created to do.  Apart from Him, we will never be satisfied. Apart from Him, it is impossible to love and serve others the way God intended. Apart from Him, we are nothing. When one lacks being corded in a relationship with his Creator, he lacks everything.
As Christian's, we are not only bound to God but also to one another. Being a part of God's family makes us spiritually corded together in and through the Father, Son, and The Holy Spirit. That's pretty awesome stuff folks! And much like pieces of fabric that become stronger when bundled together, we become stronger together as well, not easily broken. 
Dear Lord, As we go about our day today, let us recognize those around us as God's family -- a part of the fabric you are cording together for your glorious purpose. May we love and serve one another with a spiritually strong heart. May we not become easily broken in a world that is. - Amen
Written from hearts of Glenn and Heather Lamp, 2019

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