The Servant
Day Five Art Gallery

The Servant

Regular price $2,100.00 $0.00

Creator: Glenn Lamp - Day Five Art
Size: 24 x 36 x 1 IN
Edition: Original /
Date: 2018

This painting was inspired by the Scripture found in Philippians 2: 7 and the story of Jesus taking on the job of a servant, choosing to wash the feet of His friends after dinner in the upper room. The main subject matter in this painting is the Kole surgeonfish, not the turtle. The surgeonfish, like the cleaner wrasse, goes around cleaning up sea creatures. The surgeon fish cleans the shell of the sea turtle while the cleaner wrasse enters inside the mouth of the fish that would normally devour it and cleans the inside of the mouth and the gills from parasites. Christ does that for those who trust Him enough into the spaces of our own lives that are hardest to reach and need cleaning the most. It is about trust and faith.

Charles Spurgeon, a famous preacher from the 1800s, once gave an illustration. He had a couple of moments in his life where a man had come at him with a knife. Spurgeon told about the one coming to harm him. Spurgeon rejected the man, did not trust him, and was ready to defend himself. He also talked about another man who came to him with a knife, but in that case, Spurgeon did the exact opposite. He let this second man cut him. Why? Because by the cutting he would be doing a healing. The second man meant him good. The second man was a doctor. He relates all of this to the saving work of Jesus

Christ in our life.

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